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Ranma ML pic

Frank's Persona PicRanma 1/2's fans are spread out all over the world, in countries like the United States, Japan, Canada, France, Brazil, Australia, and many more. Ranma 1/2 has been translated in many different languages and is still being released today to be appreciated by its fans.

The Ranma 1/2 Mailing List, or "Ranma ML", as it is called for short, is an assemblage of Ranma 1/2 fans from all different places and also of all different beliefs about Ranma 1/2 and its characters. On this page you will find information about the list and instructions on how to join. If you want to converse with other Ranma 1/2 fans about the issues and characters of Ranma 1/2, this is the place for you to go.

The Ranma ML has been running for about almost three years now under on administrator running a server which collects the mail. Currently there are around 200-300 members on the Ranma ML, but only a fraction of us post. Still, that fraction of us is enough to generate enough discussion about Ranma to keep everyone happy. ^_^

For needs of finding information and/or "kindred spirits" in the quest for Ranma 1/2 knowledge and enjoyment, this is an exemplary list for finding out all you need to know about Ranma 1/2. This page gives a brief introduction of the Ranma 1/2 Mailing List, and more info can be found at the Ranma ML FAQ. You are also welcome to email me with any additional questions you may have with the list.

Akane manga scan

About the Ranma ML

The Ranma ML was founded in 1995 by Hitoshi Doi, runner of a few other mailing lists and also of the now famous Seiyuu Voice Actor Database. It is run by him to this day. The Mailing list itself runs on a "digest" system wherein all the mails sent (by the members to the server) for a given hour are compiled into one mail which is sent out to all the members. There are options to have the server give mail to your address every hour or every six hours.

The Ranma ML is a discussion forum used by many Ranma 1/2 fans to discuss any and all issues pertaining to Ranma 1/2, whether they be funny, serious, or just plain weird. ^_^ For an example of how a typical discussion thread might go, try clicking the link below.

Note that at the time Jason Hicks felt very strongly about Shampoo's hair color..^_^ Don't forget to press the "back" buttons on your browser to come back here.

The Great Shampoo Hair Color Debate

The Ranma ML is a haven for information and opinions to be traded about Ranma 1/2, and all are welcome to join and participate no matter how large your base for Ranma 1/2 knowledge may be.

Here is what one of our members had to say about the value of the Ranma ML:

The Tale of Sir Justy.... (hmm... I really should write that someday.)

Many moons ago, when I first subscribed to the ML, I had very little Ranma knowledge at all. Hell, I had very little anime knowledge or internet knowledge. This whole thing has been a major growing experience for me.

I've always appreciated watching anime in general when I was younger, but I was never "into" it. Living on the East Coast didn't help much either. I had very little exposure except what I saw on TV during the 70's and 80's.

When I was first introduced to the Ranma anime, I fell in love with it. Around that same time I was getting into the whole internet thing. One of my first internet doings was subscribing to the Ranma ML. I had no idea what a mailing list was. So I just sat back and began to read the mailings. At first, I had no idea what the heck was going on. Manga? What the hell was that, who was Ukyo... etc...

After the first month had passed, I had a good idea how the ML worked. The translations were being posted so I read a few of them. I decide soon after, that I didn't want to read the spoilers. I would prefer to watch or read it in sequence as it was brought over. I could have easily read up on pretty much the later stories of the series, but what's the fun of getting it all in one shot and not have anything to look forward to.

Since I got more involved with the mailing list my understanding of the internet itself also grew. The constant references to homepages and MUDs prompted me to explore outwards. I developed a homepage and devoted more than half of it to Nabiki ^_^ .

Getting back to the ML, once I learned how it worked, getting info was a piece of cake. I posted a question, someone answered it.

As I expanded my anime horizons into Project A-ko and Bubblegum Crisis and so on, I understood the references that MLers kept bringing up. Actually, I grew tired of not knowing anything outside of Ranma, so one could say that the ML forced me to make a decision that has proved very enjoyable and, honestly, changed my life.

[Shop Smart! ... Shop... S-Mart!]
[Fearless Leader of the CoN]
[Ruthless Defender of Gate 4 - Washu-chan's Little Lab]
[#WASHU# | W.W.W | O.C.S. | C.O.R.R.|T.A.A.T.M]

As for myself (Frank Sanchez) the Ranma ML has definitely helped not only fuel the design of this page, but also of my interest in other anime, the workings of Ranma 1/2 in particular, and anime fans in general. I've forged many friendships on the Ranma ML, and hopefully, if you join, you will to. I'm definitely an active poster on the Ranma ML, so hopefully you'll see me and everyone else on the list.

So....interested in joining? Here's what you do..

1)Go to the Ranma ML FAQ and read up on detailed information on the Ranma ML - This Ranma ML FAQ is run by myself. It goes into detail about the Ranma ML and the policies and practices touched upon in this page and gives you an idea of what to expect. Be sure to read it carefully!

2)Sign up for the Ranma ML at the Usagi ML admin page - Clicking the link above takes you to a signup page for the Mailing Lists run by Hitoshi Doi. Instructions for the Ranma ML are as follows -
-click the link that reads "Ranma ML"
-enter your email address in the apprpriate field, and pick your desired way to receive mail - 1 hour is every hour, and 6 hour is every 6 hours
-click "Submit" once and only once
Your sub request should go through in 24 hours and you should begin receiving mail from "ami@ML.usagi.org".

3)Have fun! - Don't be afraid to bring up new topics once you decide to stay on the list. Sit back and relax for a couple days to get the hang of the list, then post any questions you may have. It all goes from there. Enjoy, and hopefully I'll see you there! ^_^

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Principal Kunou says:

"Aloha! You bruddas and wahines be gettin' a buzzcut from dis here principal...but first, you need to help me find dat pigtail boy, yes? I'll go by this left arrow to the Ranma 1/2 Library Suggestion Box/Voting Form while you go surfin' to dat right arrow to check out Voting Results of the Ranma 1/2 Library Poll. Of course, dat sneaky boy might have hidden at the Ranma 1/2 Library Main page. An' while you're at it, find my Tacchi for me, yes? Dese snippers need to get to my Tacchi's hair too, for sure..."

⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez
. This page was last updated on August 11, 1998